Natural Weight Loss Solutions

Have your energy levels dropped? Are you frustrated seeing your weight go up, but none of your eating habits have changed? Find yourself eating to make yourself feel better than not liking what you see in the mirror?

We can help! At West Side Wellness, we don't just give you a meal plan and send you on your way. We will figure out the underlying issues and solve them to take away your frustrations. Our plans are an all natural solution to your wellness and weight loss problems. Our typical patient will lose half a pound to a pound a day during the program, and all without having to workout!

A woman sitting at the table eating broccoli.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our approach is all about understanding you and your body. We focus on natural foods and supplements, and we work together to create a personalized lifestyle plan that’s sustainable and healthy.

This program has a 99.9% success rate for those who follow the program as outlined. We cannot guarantee results, but we are committed to supporting you to get the best possible results. It’s about working together and making positive changes that last.

We know that fad diets don’t work in the long run. This is why we designed the Weight Loss program. If you follow your personalized plan and keep on track, your weight should melt away and should stay off. However, it’s not about a quick fix – it’s about lasting change.

Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover natural weight loss programs. However, if you work for a company, it’s worth checking with your human resources department to see if you can use your health savings account (HAS) or your flexible savings account (FSA). We’re here to help in any way we can.

A woman holding up a sign that says " ice cold 5. 1 8."